The Payout Award will be calculated based on 'the number of Seeds received within a round' and 'the number of Supporters within a round'
Streamer Supporting System
Streamer Supporting System
SSS Streamers can stream and make videos with NFT Characters purchased from WEMIX PLAY and will have no issues during Mission and Settlement verifications.
However, when applying for Mission and Settlement verification, please make sure that the Character you are playing as, is a Character that is in your SSS Streamer Account
※ When applying for Mission and Settlement Verification, if the Character being played as in the video is a Character that is not in your SSS Account or a character that is not in the same Wallet address as your linked Wallet, the video will get rejected.
Streamer levels are awarded to those who stream Wemade game services and actively communicate with Supporters, in line with the SSS initiative.
Streamers receive levels based on their ranking, divided into three levels (Best/Partner/Normal), with benefits varying by level. Levels are determined based on the rankings from the "previous period," and the benefits last throughout the awarded period.
The benefits for each Streamer level are as follows and may be subject to change depending on the game service situation.
Level Requirements Displayed in Highlights Mission Reward Best Streamer Streamer Ranking 1st~100th O Best Streamer Rewards Partner Streamer Streamer Ranking 101st~300th O Partner Streamer Rewards Normal Streamer Streamer that reached SSS application requirements - Normal Streamer Rewards Additional Points from Live Streaming are awarded to streamers who actively engage with their supporters during live streams, helping to improve their ranking.
These bonus points are only given for live streams conducted on "YouTube" and "Twitch," and each criterion/platform grants additional points only once per period.
* Platform Example: If streaming on both Twitch and YouTube simultaneously, the platform with the higher data will be used to award additional points (The data will not be added between platforms).
* Criteria Example: Up to 28 additional points can be awarded for criteria 1, 2, and 3 (the data will not be added between criteria).
[Live Streaming Bonus Points Criteria]
1) Number of Supporters during the live stream within a period
2) Maximum number of viewers during a live stream within a period
3) Number of seed donations received during a live stream within a period
- Bonus points for criteria 1 and 3 are based on cumulative data within a period, while bonus points for criterion 2 are based on the maximum number of viewers during a single live stream.
- Live streaming data is calculated based on the start and end of each period, so streaming during the transition between periods may result in different bonus point calculations.
No. Criteria Standard Quantity Additional Points 1 Number of accumulated Supporters while live streaming within a Round
(Total)300 15 250 13 200 11 150 9 100 7 70 5 50 3 30 1 2 Number of most viewers at once while live streaming within a Round
(Individual)50 10 40 8 30 6 20 4 10 2 3 Number of Seeds Supported while live streaming within a Round
(Total)10,000 3 5,000 2 1,000 1 Streamer rankings are evaluated based on three criteria (number of Supporters within a period, number of donations within a period, and accumulated bookmarked count). Each criterion has different weightings, so please make sure to check them carefully.
[Streamer Ranking Criteria]
1) Number of Supporters within a period
2) Number of donations within a period
3) Accumulated bookmarked count
- Each Supporter can donate up to 30 times per period (a Supporter can donate up to 30 times per period without any Streamer limit).
- The maximum number of donations counted towards the “Streamer Ranking" is 30. Supporters can continue to donate after 30 times, but additional donations will not affect the ranking.
- In case of a tie, the criteria are applied in descending order of importance (number of Supporters within a period > number of donations within a period > accumulated bookmarked count).
The Streamer ranking is calculated based on 10,000 points, with scores distributed according to each criterion. The final ranking is determined by combining these points with [Additional Points from Live Streaming].
Rank Score Number of Supporters that Supported within Round Number of Times Supported within Round Total Numbers of Bookmarks 1st 5,000 Points 3,000 Points 2,000 Points 2nd 4,999 Points 2,999 Points 1,999 Points 3rd 4,998 Points 2,998 Points 1,998 Points 4th 4,997 Points 2,997 Points 1,997 Points 5th 4,996 Points 2,996 Points 1,996 Points …. …. …. …. 100th 4,901 Points 2,901 Points 1,901 Points SSS is an abbreviation of 'Streamer Supporting System', and is a virtuous cycle ecosystem where a part of the game's performance is managed as a fund to create a positive synergy effect between Streamers and users and within all areas of the game.
You must make your affiliation and partnership with the SSS program very clear when making gaming content with the purpose of introduction, use, or promotion and making gaming content in video or streaming form, exposing your Support Code. The Streamer must abide by the laws and regulation of their nationality and the country they reside in, and the regulations of our platform. All legal responsibilities lie on the streamer if problems arise from not following or violating any regulations regarding advertising. Additionally, you must clearly state that through the SSS Program you can earn and withdraw Seed that is supported through your Streaming activity.
Any loss or damage done to the company due to violation of anything stated above, your Streamer Support status can be terminated and any damage done to the company must be compensated.
Streamers approved as SSS Streamers must regularly upload content during the Season.
Activity on platforms other than your main platform is permitted. Streaming and video content platform restrictions will not be set.
Streamer Missions get updated every Round. After completing the mission and getting verification- the Streamer receives a coupon that can be gifted to Supporters that supports the Streamer.
- Check Missions: CM Notice > Streamer Mission or Streamer Page > Mission tab
- Verify Missions: Apply for a verification after uploading video of the mission being completed to the Streamer’s main channel,
[Video Prerequisites]
1. The uploaded video must be uploaded during the Round.
2. Video must meet the minimum length requirement. (3 minute-long, edited video)
3. Video must be uploaded to the Streamer’s main channel.
4. The Character displayed within the gameplay video must be in the SSS Streamer’s account when submitting a mission to be verified.
※ Precautions
1. A singular mission can be completed and verified once at a time. (Multiple missions completed within one video will not be verified as completed.)
2. Live stream videos will not be verified as completed. The video must be an edited video to be successfully verified.
3. Mission verification submissions will be rejected if the video does not meet any of the video requirements.
Requirements to have your Live Stream be displayed on the official websites are as below.
※ Requirements
1. Title of the Live Stream must have ‘Night Crows’ included.
- The Live Stream will be lower in priority, and could potentially not be included in the list of Live Stream display list
if the title is something unrelated.
2. Your Main channel your Live Streaming is on Youtube or Twitch.
- Live Stream will not be displayed on the Live Stream tab if streaming on Facebook.
If all requirements above are met, your Live Stream will be displayed on the official website by priority.
You can register your video platform URL by going to the Streamer Page, ‘Streamer Details - Edit’
Go to the ‘partner-content’ channel within each game service’s Discord server. Using this channel, you can be more involved with users active on the discord server.
Upload a variety of content on the ‘partner-content’ channel, exclusive to SSS Streamers to post and promote, for all users on the Discord server to see.
Taxes from Payout awards(WEMIX) have to be paid and processed according to the laws and regulations of the nationality of the Streamer and nation the Streamer resides in. It is your responsibility to declare your income to tax authorities. It is the Streamer’s legal responsibility if issues regarding tax processing arise.
We do not process or manage taxes from Payouts for Streamers
During every Round, the procedures for getting a Payout are processed in the order listed below. During each step, the progress and schedule of the Payout process can be confirmed on the Payout webpage.
1. Apply for Payout
When applying for a Payout, all prerequisites must be met and must be applied within ten days after a Round has ended.
Payout to be awarded within a Round can not be divided and partitioned to the next Round to meet with requirements for the next Round.
In order to successfully obtain Payouts, Payouts must be completed during the Payout application period and requirements to obtain the Payouts must be met. If these conditions are not completed, the rewards(WEMIX) for that Round will not be eligible for Payout.
Therefore, please make sure to prepare the information needed and to meet the requirements that are necessary for Payouts within the Payout Registration period.
2. Payout application evaluation
Once the payout application is completed, an evaluation will be conducted to confirm credentials and other information meeting the prerequisites.
If payout requirements are not met during the evaluation, the application will get ‘Rejected’. Rewards(WEMIX) will be granted when all payout requirements are met.
When payout application gets rejected, an email as to why the payout application got rejected will be sent to your registered email.
After revising the video according to the reason why the video was rejected, reapply for a payout application within the instructed period.
The payout Application will be canceled if the rejected application is not revised within the instructed period.
3. Payout distribution
When the Payout application gets ‘Approved’, you will be able to obtain your reward(WEMIX), which will be transferred to your wallet that was registered before applying for the Payout application.
Seed you have been supported with must be claimed in the Streamer Page within the registration period.
- Login to Streamer page > Payout tab > apply for Payout
- Registration Period: Within 10 days after a Round
* The page stated above can only be accessed during the ‘Payout Registration Period’
* Changes could be made to the Payout Registration period schedule as needed.
※ Prerequisites before payout
1. Payout request must be done within the registration period.
2. Payout can only be applied when the Scheduled Payout amount is 50 WEMIX or above.
3. 5 or more videos must be uploaded within the scheduled content upload period.
4. Streamer’s basic information for payout must be completed and registered.
[Verification Video Requirements]
- The video must be related to the SSS Streamer’s game activities.
- If the submitted video is an edited video, it must be a video URL that is 3 minutes or longer.
- If the submitted video is a live stream, it must be a video URL that is 1 hour or longer.
(When submitting multiple videos, submissions that consist of both edited videos and live streams are allowed.)
- The Character that is being played as in the verification video when applying for a Payout/Mission verification must be a Character that is in your SSS Account
※All of the verification video requirements must be met. If not, the video will be ‘rejected’ for verification.
Please note that all prerequisites above has to be met to be viable for a payout
Wallet information is required to get a Payout. Wallet information of the Wallet set to get the Payout can be checked through the following: [Streamer Page] - [My Page] - [Payout] - [Wallet Information].
* Wallet Information on the SSS Page must match with the in-game Wallet in order to be viable to apply for a Payout. Rewards will be granted to the Wallet linked to the SSS Page
* If Wallet Address has been changed after applying for a Payout, rewards will not be granted to the updated Wallet address.
* [Payout] tab can only be accessed during the Payout period.
Change Wallet information through [My Page] - [Payout] - [Wallet Information], then click on the ‘Link Wallet’ button.
* If Wallet Address has been changed after applying for a Payout, rewards will not be granted to the updated Wallet address.
* [Payout] tab can only be accessed during the Payout period.
- SSS Streamer Account can be deleted in the SSS Streamer website.
- SSS Website > Streamer Page > Details tab > “Streamer Withdrawal” located on the bottom right.
Carefully consider when withdrawing your account because Seed Supported history and Seed accumulated history will all be deleted without regard of the history’s expiration period.
After withdrawing rights to be an SSS Streamer, you can re-apply to be an SSS Streamer by doing the Streamer application procedure again.
However, you will be re-assessed during the application. You must qualify for all the requirements as an SSS Streamer, and all Seeds that were in your possession can not be recovered.
If a Streamer stops using the game service, the Streamer will no longer be able to acquire Seeds. Rights to participate as an SSS Streamer will be terminated.
Streamer Early Application will be enabled from January 13th, 13:00 (UTC+8), 2024.
※ Early Application Details
1.Access the page 'WEMIX PLAY', choose SSS, and click the Streamer Early Application
2.Take the Email Verification and finish your request
Streamer Early Application will be conducted through the email you are currently using, and a special gift will be distributed to those who have done the Early application after the Official Launch.
*Please be aware that we will check the email address upon distributing the gift, so make sure to put the email address correctly.
However, Streamers who have made the Early Application must redo the Verified Streamer Request after the SSS service is opened, and Verified Streamers will be confirmed after the final evaluation.
The official Streamer Request will be enabled after the SSS service gets opened.
Streamer Request will be conducted through SSS website > STREAMER > Streamer Request Page, and Streamers meeting the requirement can request the Verified SSS Streamer.
When you have passed the evaluation, Streamer can create their own Support Code
Support Code can be created with a keyword consisting of 2 or 10 English letters or numbers (Blank and Symbols - examination mark, period, or etc will not be permitted)
*ex. Keyword : Streamer → Streamer#0427
*You cannot edit the Keyword or Support Code once gets created.
The official request can be made after the SSS service begins.
The following criteria for SSS streamer will differ per each representative platform.
※ Criteria: Representative Channel 'YouTube'
1. If you have more than 500 subscribers on your YouTube channel
2. Game-related videos, at least 5, must be uploaded in your channel. (If the content is not concerned as 'Game-related video', your Streamer Request will be rejected under the evaluation.)
3. Age: 19 years old or higher
4. Ensuring the Terms of Use and Service as Streamer (The Policy will be informed during the Streamer Request, and agreement procedure will be conducted.)
5. You must have the character of Night Crows and the account must be joined in the official community as the representative character.
※ Criteria: Representative Channel 'Twitch'
1. If you have more than 1,000 followers on your Twitch Channel
2. Age: 19 years old or higher
3. Ensuring the Terms of Use and Service as Streamer (The Policy will be informed during the Streamer Request, and agreement procedure will be conducted.)
4. You must have the character of Night Crows and the account must be joined in the official community as a representative character.
※ Criteria: Representative Channel 'Facebook'
1. If you have more than 500 followers on your Facebook Page (Page only, Personal Profiles will not be accepted)
2. Game-related videos, at least 5, must be uploaded on the page. (If the content is not concerned as 'Game-related video', your Streamer Request will be rejected under the evaluation.)
3. Age: 19 years old or higher
3. Ensuring the Terms of Use and Service as Streamer (The Policy will be informed during the Streamer Request, and agreement procedure will be conducted.)
4. You must have the character of Night Crows and the account must be joined in the official community as a representative character.
※ Common Criteria
1. Channel Verification
- Input the Support Code created from the Streamer Request to your Representative Channel.
• For YouTube, the code must be input to the [About, the > Icon]
• For Twitch, the code must be input to the [About]
• For Facebook, the code must be input to the [Intro]
*The common criteria must be fulfilled for your final evaluation. When the Support Code has not been input into the 'About' or 'Intro' within 3 days after the request, the evaluation will be rejected.
2. While proceeding with the Streamer Request, you have to log in with the gaming account linked to the platform.
3. You cannot support your own account.
You will be qualified as a Verified Streamer after fulfilling the Evaluation Criteria mentioned above.
Streamers based in Korea and China are unable to apply/stream as an SSS Streamer and also cannot get a payout as an SSS Streamer.
Streamers are fully responsible for checking the legality of our SSS Streamer program within the Streamers' country. If a Streamer does not apply as his/her truthful nation the Streamer resides in or does not disclose the nation the Streamer resides in, the Streamer must take full responsibility.
If you apply to be a Streamer with incorrect information, or if you do not meet our requirements, you could be rejected.
* In order to be able to receive the results of the Streamer application, please be wary of typos and fill out the application with your exact e-mail you used to send this message.
Additionally, we will notify you of why you were rejected through e-mail. If you apply again through our Streamer application procedure, we will evaluate your application again.
Streamer Support Code is a unique code used by Streamers.
Supporters acquire Seed through in-game purchases, and support Streamers by typing in and setting a Streamer Support Code.
The amount of Seed you got supported with can be checked at the ‘Streamer Page’
- Login to Streamer Page > Check your Seed balance through the 'Home' tab.
- Login to Streamer Page > History of Seed and Support list available at the 'Support Status' tab.
A Support Code is a code unique to a Streamer.
Support Codes can not be changed once issued, so please be careful to not input the wrong keywords.
After completing Support notification settings, due to the browser's auto-play Block Policy, some broadcasting softwares can not output notification sounds for Support.
In this case, this can be fixed by clicking anywhere on your broadcasting software.
Go to SSS Website > STREAMER > Manage Info, ‘Support Notification Settings’ and copy the generated URL. Among the supported broadcasting software, add the URL to a browser source to set live notification of Support to your Stream.
* Supported Broadcasting Software
- Xsplit Broadcaster
- OBS Studio
* Supported Broadcasting software may differ by each platform.
* Some broadcasting systems might not be able to output the Support's audio due to the 'Browser Autoplay Block Policy'. This can be fixed by clicking anywhere on your broadcasting software.
Seeds can be acquired through purchasing in-game products. Seeds acquired depends on the price of the purchased product and are accumulated by each transaction.
Supporters can Support Seeds to Streamers, but Seeds can not be used or paid out by the purchaser that accumulated said Seeds.
If we confirm a violation in the Community terms and policies, Streamer Operation Policy, and/or the Liability Policy from a Streamer, their SSS title will get terminated indefinitely.
Please note that Seeds acquired and revenue will not be retrievable when a Streamer’s SSS title gets terminated indefinitely.
You can make an appeal to lift the ban through the customer service center.